Политика AML и KYC
Политика AML и KYC распространяется на компанию, ее аффилированные лица и клиентов и направлена на сдерживание и предотвращение отмывания денег и любой другой деятельности, способствующей отмыванию денег и/или финансированию терроризма или преступной деятельности. Компания требует от своих должностных лиц, сотрудников и партнеров соблюдения принципов настоящей Политики с целью предотвращения использования ее услуг для целей отмывания денег.
1. Определения
Для целей настоящей Политики в области ПОД/ФТ и KYC, “Политики в области ПОД/ФТ и KYC”, следующие термины определяются и используются в Политике в области ПОД/ФТ, Политике в области противодействия отмыванию денег и финансированию терроризма и Политике в области противодействия финансированию оружия массового уничтожения. Настоящая Политика направлена на борьбу с отмыванием денег и призвана предотвратить и снизить потенциальный риск вовлечения Компании в какую-либо незаконную деятельность.
“KYC” (Know Your Customer) – принцип работы финансовых учреждений, обязывающий их устанавливать личность клиента перед проведением финансовой операции.
“CIP” – Программа идентификации клиентов. Требования условий данной программы для финансовых компаний по идентификации лиц, которые хотят воспользоваться их услугами для проведения финансовых операций. Данная программа регулируется Министерством юстиции США.
“Клиент и/или связанные с ним лица (или вы)” – любое юридическое или физическое лицо, которое выразило заинтересованность в услугах, использует их, или ранее использовало, или иным образом связано с услугами, предоставляемыми Компанией, т.е. является членом семьи, бенефициарным владельцем, представителем компании Клиента и т.д.
“Запрещенное поведение” – означает любое проявление противоправного поведения, имеющего признаки мошенничества, коррупции, отмывания денег, сговора, финансирования терроризма, а также любые другие действия и поступки, незаконные с точки зрения закона.
“Мошенничество” – термин, подразумевающий использование обманных действий или слов с намерением преследовать личные мотивы и интересы, нанося тем самым ущерб интересам других пользователей и Компании.
“Коррупция” – это действия по предложению, вымогательству, убеждению или получению чего-либо ценного с целью неправомерного влияния на действия и права другой стороны.
“Отмывание денег” – схема финансовых операций, основной целью которой является сокрытие личности, источника и/или назначения незаконно полученных средств.
“Сговор” – соглашение между двумя или более лицами, целью которого является достижение неправомерного влияния на действия и права другой стороны и лиц, включая Компанию.
“Финансирование терроризма” – это сбор или предоставление средств любыми способами, которые прямо или косвенно влияют на совершение противоправных действий в соответствии с действующим законодательством.
“Преступное поведение” – преступление, совершенное в любой части света.
“Уполномоченный сотрудник по борьбе с мошенничеством” – это уполномоченное лицо, в обязанности которого входит мониторинг, предотвращение и, при необходимости, расследование случаев запрещенного поведения. Вышеуказанное лицо несет прямую ответственность за надлежащее соблюдение политики в отношении всех подозреваемых.
1.2 Вы также можете увидеть вышеуказанные условия на ссылках третьих лиц на Веб-сайте Компании.
1.3 Термины, не определенные в данной политике, имеют значения, указанные в Клиентском соглашении.
1.4 В настоящей Политике AML и KYC название Компании и все местоимения “мы”, “нас”, “наш” относятся к Universal Trade Group, включая ее основателей, разработчиков, директоров, инвесторов, сотрудников и лиц, указанных в настоящей Политике.
1.5 По контексту Universal Trade Group может ссылаться на услуги и продукты, веб-сайты и другие материалы, предоставляемые Компанией.
2. Legal Basis
2.1 This Anti-Money Laundering Policy is based on the norms of the following legislation: national legislation, FATF recommendations, which includes, but is not limited to, the following regulations:
2.1.1. Directive (EU) 2015/849 of the European Parliament and of the Council of May 20, 2015 on the prevention of the use of the financial system for the purposes of money laundering or terrorist financing.
2.1.2 The International Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism (1999).
2.1.3. Forty recommendations of the FATF.
2.1.4 Other international instruments regulating measures to prevent money laundering and terrorist financing.
2.2. Following and adopting the Company’s AML and KYC policy automatically implies compliance with all regulations and laws.
3. KYC Procedure
3.1 The KYC procedure implements the recommendations of FATF (Financial Action Task Force). According to the above recommendations, the person carrying out financial transactions is obliged to confirm his/her identity.
3.2 KYC is aimed at establishing and verifying the Client’s identity. In the process of collecting information about the Client, the Company shall make sure that the person applying to the Company has a real residence address, has no criminal record or is not involved in activities that would call into question the legitimacy of the origin of his/her funds.
3.3 With regard to the Client, in order to identify him, a CIP procedure may be carried out, which consists of collecting data such as:
3.3.1 For legal entities:
– The company’s registration number in the official register of legal entities of the country in which the company is registered.
– Name of the company.
– Address of incorporation and address of business of the company.
– List of authorized persons.
– Corporate structure.
– Information about business partners and upcoming transactions (including contracts).
– Data on UBO (owner and beneficiary) and their KYC/AML procedures (client’s money laundering risk assessment).
3.3.2 For individuals:
– Surname, first name and middle name.
– Date and place of birth.
– Nationality.
– Address of residence.
– Occupation, position held and/or name of employer.
– Tax number.
3.4 The Client is obliged to provide the Company with documents confirming the data about him/her, namely:
– International or domestic passport.
– Proof of residence and domicile address.
– Telephone bills.
– Bank statements.
– Copies of utility bills.
– Other documents confirming the data provided by the Client for the identification procedure.
If the Client’s documents are not in English, such documents shall, at the Company’s request, first be translated into English by any official translator and this translated copy shall be duly legalized and submitted together with other necessary relevant documents and photographs of the Client.
3.5 The Company shall have the right to request additional documents necessary to identify the Client at its sole discretion.
4. Identification of Users
4.1 Securities Broker reserves the right to take all possible measures, including compulsory request for user identification in order to prevent money laundering, terrorist financing and other illegal activities by monitoring suspicious activities of the Client. This means activities that are suspected or have any signs of Prohibited Behavior specified in the Policy.
4.2 The Company does not track every user personally, but the Company nevertheless checks Customers found to be engaging in suspicious and/or illegal activity.
4.3 We may request, at our discretion, additional proof of identification if the Company is suspicious of a Customer’s activity for any reason.
4.4 The Company reserves the right to freeze an account associated with suspicious activity without notice and to require the owner of that account to undergo mandatory KYC user verification.
5. Use and processing of personal data
5.1 All personal data of customers, users and other persons suspected of terrorist financing, money laundering or fraudulent activities will be used and protected in accordance with the Company’s policies.
6. Transaction Tracking
6.1 The Company will closely monitor all transactions of the Client in case of suspected fraudulent or illegal activities. If such activity is detected, it is mandatory for the Client to undergo KYC identity verification process. In case of refusal or ignoring the request, the Company reserves the right to freeze the Client’s account and close access to it until the conflict is resolved.
7. Amendments and revisions
7.1 The AML and KYC Policy may be amended at any time at the Company’s sole discretion. The Client accepts that it is in the Client’s interest to periodically monitor and review changes to the AML and KYC Policy himself/herself and to carefully familiarize himself/herself with notices regarding changes and amendments to this Policy.
7.2 If the Client refuses to accept the AML and KYC Policy, the Client shall not continue to use the Company’s services. Further use of the Company’s website and services after the changes to this Policy have come into effect will automatically be considered as the Client’s acceptance of these changes.
8. Anti-fraud policy
8.1 The Anti-Fraud Policy is an integral part of the Client Agreement, the essence of which is the prevention or partial deterrence of fraud, corruption, collusion, money laundering, terrorist financing and other illegal activities in the Client’s activities.
8.2 The Company is committed to high legal, ethical and moral standards, therefore, Clients, partners of the Company have every right to expect from the Company the realization of protection from any illegal and unlawful actions at a high level.
8.3 The Policy has been integrated in accordance with international and local legislation.
9. Fraud Investigation
9.1 In case of reasoned and justified suspicion of a person that the latter is connected directly or indirectly with terrorism, its financing, money laundering or fraud, the Company reserves the right to thoroughly investigate the person using all lawful methods and ways specified in the legislation and in the Terms of Business, as well as in other integral parts (annexes) of the Client Agreement.
9.2 An Authorized Fraud Control Officer is a person who deals with detection, investigation and defense in order to prevent unlawful acts.
9.3 In individual cases, the Company reserves the right to engage third-party organizations to investigate personalities in order to gather sufficient evidence or proof to be passed on to the relevant authorities.
9.4 The authorized person is also responsible for:
9.4.1 Collecting and storing any information regarding the alleged suspect’s case, including customer, transaction and transactional information;
9.4.2 Reporting his/her findings to the Company and relevant authorities, and to third parties if it is necessary to provide this information for the investigation.
The Designated Fraud Officer has full authority to pursue, open and close investigations, and report any investigation of Prohibited Conduct within his/her competence without prior warning, consent and/or interference from the suspected individual or organization. All investigations shall be conducted in a strictly objective and confidential manner.
9.5 The Company reserves the right to block the Client’s account and all Client funds until the circumstances are clarified in order to ensure a prompt and complete procedure for such investigation.
All Clients under these Terms of Business, including its integral parts are obliged to cooperate as promptly and efficiently as possible with the authorized person, including providing relevant information and documentation if the aforementioned person so requests.
9.6 All documentation and materials collected and created in the process of investigating the Prohibited Activities of a Suspect Person shall be kept strictly confidential. The secrecy of information shall be maintained for the benefit of those responsible for the violation, third parties and with respect to the investigation.
9.7 The Authorized Fraud Examiner shall disclose confidential information only to those persons or companies authorized to receive it as necessary for the purpose of the investigation or to assist in the investigation.
10. Responsibilities of the parties
10.1 The Authorized Anti-fraud Officer is responsible for tracking, investigating and preventing Prohibited Conduct or unlawful acts.
10.2 Pursuant to the above statement, the Company reserves the right to perform identification of the identity of any user or transaction in accordance with KYC policy in order to identify evidence of Prohibited Behavior.
10.3 The Company shall be responsible for:
10.3.1 Taking appropriate action against persons suspected of or who have committed an offense;
10.3.2 Ensuring and establishing effective controls to prevent unlawful conduct;
10.3.3 Conducting prompt investigations when prohibited behavior or unlawful acts are detected;
10.3.4 Reporting any suspicions and identities to the appropriate government agencies and competent authorities;
10.3.5 Ensuring that the Authorized Person for Fraud Control reports any internal or external suspicions and incidents involving unlawful acts.
11. User Statement
11.1 By using the Company’s service, you warrant that you have no intention of engaging in any of the prohibited acts described above. In addition, you consent to any checks in connection with an investigation under the Policy, and you agree to cooperate fully and promptly with an Authorized Fraud Examiner in the investigation.
12. Amendments and additions
12.1 The terms of the AML and KYC Policy are subject to change at any time at the discretion of the Company. By agreeing to the terms of this policy, you agree that you accept your responsibility to review the Policy and its terms from time to time and to be notified of changes.
12.2 If you refuse to accept changes to the Policy, you must not continue to use the Company’s services. Your continued use of the services and facilities after the changes have been made and become effective automatically implies acceptance of the terms and conditions